DSN S 102 Section 9 (Spring 2024)

Design Studies 102

Design Studies 102

Instructor Information

Instructor's name: Prof. Nathan Edwards

Preferred contact method: nedwards@iastate.edu, *I don't use email over the weekend.

Office hours: TBD


> DsnS102 Coordinator contact information here! <



Design Studies 102 (Dsn S 102) is a foundation design studio exploring two and three-dimensional design with an emphasis on fundamental skills and ideas shared across design disciplines.  Creative process, visual order, various materials, and critical thinking are investigated through studio projects.  Discourses (Friday Lecture) and Workshops expand upon topics introduced and explored in studios.

Prerequisite(s): none

Credit hours: 4.0

Current semester: Summer 2023

Format: Studio Class and Friday Lectures: In Person

Synchronous meeting days:

Dan S 102 Studio Room Numbers (0734, 0738, 0742, or 0744)

  • Course Studio Times: Varies by Section (See individual schedule)

M/W, First Session: 8:50am-11:40am

   M/W, Second Session: 12:05pm-2:55pm

T/TH, First Session: 8:00am-10:50am

   T/TH, Second Session: 11:00am-1:50pm

T/TH, Third Session: 2:10pm-5:00pm