Module 02: Overview

Module 2 Evaluation-Basic Purpose, Uses, and Conceptual Distinctions

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The purpose of this module is to get us started with the basic concepts, uses, and conceptual distinctions in evaluation. Our first reading by Fitzpatrick et al. discusses the basic purposes of evaluation, differences in evaluation and research, informal vs. formal evaluation, and roles and activities of professional evaluators. Our second reading by Mattison provides further distinctions between evaluation and research. As you are reading, please use the following questions as your guide:

  • How does evaluation serve society? Why is it important?
  • How do we define evaluation?
  • What is the difference between formal and informal evaluation?
  • What are some purposes of evaluation? What roles can the evaluators play?
  • What are differences between evaluation and research?
  • What are the roles and activities of professional evaluators?

 Module Learning Outcomes (MLO)

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

  • MLO 2.1 - Define evaluation
  • MLO 2.2 - State the differences between evaluation and research 
  • MLO 2.3 - Distinguish between evaluation's purposes and evaluators' roles and activities
  • MLO 2.4 - Share examples of the uses and objects of evaluation

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