L6D1 Workbook Exercises
- Due Dec 2, 2024 by 9:55am
- Points 12
- Submitting on paper
- Available Nov 15, 2024 at 12am - Dec 9, 2024 at 9:55am
This task will help you continue to become familiar with the new vocabulary and sentence structures of the lesson and practice communicating new information in Chinese.
To successfully complete this task, do the following activities in the L6D1 section of the Workbook:
Listening Comprehension: BC
Reading Comprehension: A, C, D
Writing and Grammar: B3-4, C2,3,4
Translation - Choose one.
D1 - easier
D3 - harder
When you have completed the activities, remove the pages from the workbook, staple them together in order, and write your name on the first page of the packet. If you do not own your workbook you may turn your answers in on a separate sheet of paper. Turn the packet in at the beginning of class on the due date.
Grading Criteria
Workbook answers will be graded and the final grade will denote the percentage of the homework answered correctly. Partial homework is accepted but no late homework is accepted.