Support and Resources
Committed to Your Success!
Become familiar with the requirements, support, and resources for a successful learning journey in this course.
Technology Requirements
For an optimized learning experience in this course, you will need access to a reliable computer and internet.
A computer appropriate for your major/program
- Visit the ISU Computer Requirement Links to an external site. page to learn more.
- Reserve a laptop from Parks Library for free via the Laptop & Equipment Checkout. Links to an external site.
Reliable Internet access
Assistive Technology
All ISU students have access to a variety of accessible tools. Students with specialized assistive technology and accommodation needs may request individualized assistance.
Assistive Technology
- Visit Student Accessibility Services Links to an external site. to discuss available options.
- Explore accessible technology for all ISU students Links to an external site..
Canvas Guide and Support
This course uses the Canvas learning management system to support your learning. Spend time learning how Canvas works to ensure successful participation in this course.
Canvas Technical Assistance
- Receive 24/7 support from Canvas live chat by clicking the Help option on the Canvas global navigation to your left and opting to chat with Canvas support.
- Call the 24/7 Canvas support phone line by dialing 515-294-4000 and following the prompts for Canvas support.
- Explore the self-paced Canvas Student Orientation course to understand standard Canvas functions.
- Check out the Canvas Student Guide Links to an external site..
Tech Tools Support
In addition to Canvas, this course uses different technologies. If needed, seek assistance in one of the two ways.
Solution Center
- Stop by the IT Solution Center Links to an external site. in Parks Library for technical assistance.
- Reset passwords, set up ISU accounts, troubleshoot Internet disruption issues, and find more help at the Solution Center.
Course Technology
- Your course may use one or more ISU-supported tech tools. Links to an external site.
- Check out the how-to guides, accessibility statements, privacy policies, and support information for each tool in the course.
Academic Success
Academic Success Services
Receive various academic assistance at ISU's Academic Success Center (ASC) Links to an external site. to help you succeed academically!
- Not sure where to start? Make an appointment Links to an external site. with an Academic Success Navigator and receive personalized referrals to ASC services and other campus resources!
ASC Services include:
- Individualized semester-long support from Academic Skills Coaching Links to an external site..
- Single and recurring appointments for writing and communication consultations Links to an external site..
- Free, regularly scheduled study sessions in the Supplemental Instruction (SI) Program Links to an external site. for traditionally difficult courses.
- Small-group tutoring Links to an external site. for undergraduate-level courses.
- One-credit Academic Skills course Psych 131 Links to an external site., where you will learn effective studying habits.
Academic Success Tips
Take charge of your learning! Direct yourself, motivate and set goals, and actively seek opportunities to learn and grow.
- Manage your coursework by staying on schedule and proactively communicating with your instructor.
- Be present and responsible and ask questions. If you need help, connect with your peers, ask a classmate to become your study buddy, or contact the instructor.
- Check the course's syllabus and schedule frequently.
- Follow the principles of scholarly integrity by completing your academic work honestly, without unauthorized assistance (e.g., AI tools, Course Hero, etc.). You should acknowledge that any violation of academic honesty, such as plagiarism or providing unauthorized help to others, may result in academic penalties per the university's Academic Dishonesty policy.
Research and Critical Thinking Resources
Parks Library provides many options for your learning and research needs.
Find and Evaluate Information
- Check Park Library's guidance on how to find, critically evaluate, and ethically use information. Links to an external sit
- Ask a librarian Links to an external site. for additional assistance.
Communication Guidelines
Communication in this course may occur in face-to-face, online, or hybrid settings.
- Adhere to effective communication practices. Links to an external site.
- Be scholarly, respectful, and professional.
- Follow ISU's principles of community. Links to an external site.
Group Work
- Engage, follow through, contribute, and ask questions.
- Be on time for your meetings and ensure your technology works before meeting online.
- Before you contact the instructor with any group-related issues, talk through them first with your group members. If you see no positive reaction, make arrangements to discuss issues with your instructor.
Student Success and Well-Being
Iowa State is committed to your success and well-being. As a Cyclone, you can access 24/7 resources, services, and people dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and be your best in and out of the classroom.
Cyclone Support
- Whether you need academic support or someone to talk to, we're here for you at Cyclone Support Links to an external site..
- Explore support resources for:
- Crises
- Mental health
- Basic needs/hunger
- Personal finance needs
- Academic and learning
- Unexpected challenges or complex life events
- Illness or injury care
- Substance use
- Overall wellbeing
- Sexual assault
- Other situations