Module 2 : Overview

Module 2 Overview

Module Highlights

Professional Resume and Cover Letter; Career Fair Participation 

In this module you will create and/or edit your professional resume and cover letter to include relevant experience, skills, and academic achievements. If you'd like more insight into your resume, please stop by a resume review with CHS Career Services. This is NOT required for the class but may benefit you. You can choose to go to a Drop-In Resume Review or Schedule a one-on-one appointment with CHS Career Services.  Within this module you will participate/attend in a professional career fair on campus. 

Module Learning Objectives (MLOs)

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

  • MLO 2.1: Students will evaluate industry-specific professional resumes for best practices CLO 2
  • MLO 2.2: Students will complete a self-evaluation of their professional resume to ensure it meets industry standards while including relevant experience, skills and academic achievements. CLO 2
  • MLO 2.3: Student will meet with CHS career services to receive relevant feedback and edits to their resume. CLO 2
  • MLO 2.4: Students will be able to recognize and apply the essential components of a professional cover letter, including proper formatting, tone, and content. CLO 2
  • MLO 2.5: Students will be able to conduct a self-evaluation of their professional cover letter to ensure it effectively communicates their unique story and showcases their qualifications for a desired internship. CLO 2


In this module, you will:

  • Read Chapter 14: Resume Package; complete content quick checks (MLO 2.4)

Activities & Assignments

In this module, you will:

  • Submit self-evaluated Resume and Cover letter (MLO 2.2 & 2.5)

  • Meet with CHS Career Services, one-on-one resume and cover letter review or attend drop-in session. (MLO 2.3) - This is NOT required.  Please meet with CHS Career Services if you wish their input.

  • Attend a Professional Career Fair. 
  • Submit Final Resume and Cover letter after meeting with CHS Career Services. (MLO 2.3)

Banner image by Pexels photographer Tima Miroschnichenko