Module 01: Quiz

  • Due No due date
  • Points 0
  • Questions 0
  • Time Limit None



Give a short description of how this quiz helps students to develop and practice skills, knowledge and attitudes described in the course-level learning objectives.

This assignment will help you to develop...

  • Module 01 Objective 1 (CO )
  • Module 01 Objective 2 (CO )
  • Module 01 Objective 3 (CO )


Explain what steps students should take in order to be successful in this quiz. You might consider including an academic integrity statement. Explain what students can and cannot do. For example: ask for clarification by writing an email with the following subject line; do not use online searches to find correct responses, etc. 

In order to successfully complete this assignment do the following:

Grading Criteria

What is the threshold for performing successfully on this quiz? 

To successfully complete this quiz, you will...



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