Course Syllabus

Syllabus: Jl MC 391R Sports Broadcasting Bootcamp

Course Description

Sports Broadcasting Bootcamp will introduce students to sports broadcasting roles in radio/television/live streaming, including play-by-play, color analyst, sideline reporter and producer. 

  • Sports Broadcasting Bootcamp
  • Journalism and Mass Communication 391R (dual listed as ADVRT and PR 391R)
  • Spring 2023
  • Credit Hours: 1
  • Course Prerequisites: none
  • Friday, April 29-Saturday, April 29
    9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
    Pete Taylor Media Room, Hilton Coliseum

    ISU Softball Field, Cyclone Sports Complex
  • Tentative Course Schedule

Instructor Information

Sports Broadcasting Professional: John Walters


Office location: at Hilton Coliseum


Greenlee School Instructor: Beth Haag


Phone: 515-294-0729

Office location: 206 Hamilton Hall

You can contact your instructors in the following ways:

Course Objectives (COs)

Sports Broadcasting Bootcamp will introduce students to sports broadcasting roles in radio/television/live streaming, including play-by-play, color analyst, sideline reporter and producer. The course learning objectives will include the following:

  • Preparing for a sports broadcast: creating spotting boards, rosters, statistics, game notes, pronunciations, storylines
  • Calling play-by-play: differences in radio and TV; nuts and bolts (score, down and distance, player identification); similarities and differences in various sports; using a monitor in the booth; objectivity
  • Working as a color analyst/sideline reporter
  • Working with a producer/engineer: communication with the production crew/engineer
  • Building relationships with student-athletes, athletic administrators, and other media members
  • Fulfilling sponsorship obligations during broadcasts
  • Interviewing techniques

Course Materials

Required materials

  • Personal laptop 

Optional materials

Learning Activities

To complete this course, you will do the following:

  • Attend all sports broadcasting bootcamp activities both Friday and Saturday
  • Prepare game board for Iowa State and Baylor softball teams
  • Call radio play-by-play and color for a segment of a recorded 2023 ISU men's basketball telecast
  • Call television play-by-play and color for an inning of Saturday's live ISU softball game vs. Baylor

Assessment & Grading


To pass this one-credit course, you must complete all of the following assignments:

Course Policies


You will receive instant feedback from John Walters during the sports broadcasting bootcamp to help improve your sports broadcasting skills. In addition, you'll receive written feedback from John.


Because all 15 instruction hours will be completed in two days, it is important to keep up with the pace of this course. Therefore no missed coursework will be accepted. You must complete all assignments to pass this course.

Grade Appeal Process

If you become concerned about your instructor's class management, please communicate your concerns with your instructor. If you feel uncomfortable speaking with your instructor, please get in touch with associate director Jan Lauren Boyles.

Before you decide to appeal, check out ISU's academic appeal process.

Off-Campus Travel

Students assume the liability inherent in transportation to off-site locations for Greenlee School course assignments and class field trips. Whether students drive their vehicles or choose other transportation options, the students assume the liability inherent in transportation and not the instructors, the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication or Iowa State University. 

Students have the responsibility to ensure any involved vehicles are maintained in good condition, properly insured and that safe driving practices are employed when traveling, including but not limited to: 

  • no texting when driving;
  • use of seat belts; and 
  • adherence to all applicable laws and signage. 

Required ISU Syllabus Statement

Free Expression

Iowa State University supports and upholds the First Amendment protection of freedom of speech and the principle of academic freedom in order to foster a learning environment where open inquiry and the vigorous debate of a diversity of ideas are encouraged. Students will not be penalized for the content or viewpoints of their speech as long as student expression in a class context is germane to the subject matter of the class and conveyed in an appropriate manner.

Academic Dishonesty

The class will follow Iowa State University’s policy on academic misconduct (5.1 in the Student Code of Conduct). Students are responsible for adhering to university policy and the expectations in the course syllabus and on coursework and exams, and for following directions given by faculty, instructors, and Testing Center regulations related to coursework, assessments, and exams. Anyone suspected of academic misconduct will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct in the Dean of Students Office. Information about academic integrity and the value of completing academic work honestly can be found in the Iowa State University Academic Integrity Tutorial.

Accessibility Statement

Iowa State University is committed to advancing equity, access, and inclusion for students with disabilities. Promoting these values entails providing reasonable accommodations where barriers exist to students’ full participation in higher education. Students in need of accommodations or who experience accessibility-related barriers to learning should work with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) to identify resources and support available to them. Staff at SAS collaborate with students and campus partners to coordinate accommodations and to further the academic excellence of students with disabilities. Information about SAS is available online at, by email at, or by phone at 515-294-7220.

Discrimination and Harassment

Iowa State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. Veteran. Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies may be directed to Office of Equal Opportunity, 3410 Beardshear Hall, 515 Morrill Road, Ames, Iowa 50011, Tel. 515-294-7612,  Hotline 515-294-1222, email

Prep Week

This class follows the Iowa State University Prep Week policy as noted in section 10.6.4 of the Faculty Handbook.

Religious Accommodation

Iowa State University welcomes diversity of religious beliefs and practices, recognizing the contributions differing experiences and viewpoints can bring to the community. There may be times when an academic requirement conflicts with religious observances and practices. If that happens, students may request the reasonable accommodation for religious practices. In all cases, you must put your request in writing. The instructor will review the situation in an effort to provide a reasonable accommodation when possible to do so without fundamentally altering a course. For students, you should first discuss the conflict and your requested accommodation with your professor at the earliest possible time. You or your instructor may also seek assistance from the Dean of Students Office at 515-294-1020 or the Office of Equal Opportunity at 515-294-7612.

Contact Information For Academic Issues

If you are experiencing, or have experienced, a problem with any of the above statements, email

(Important note to faculty: The email address for contact information is monitored and answered through the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost)

Disclaimer: The information in this syllabus is subject to change in extenuating circumstances. Changes to the course syllabus will be provided in writing and announced via course-wide announcements.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due