Course Syllabus

 Syllabus:  ACCT 285, Fall 2023, Holmstrom

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Course Description

Downloadable (PDF) Syllabus and Schedule

This course will introduce introductory topics for Managerial Accounting. Cost management and budgeting are import managerial accounting concepts we cover, everyone in business needs to understand (not only the accounting department).

  • Course Name: ACCT 285, Introduction to Managerial Accounting
  • Department: Accounting
  • Current Semester and Year: Fall 2023
  • Credit Hours: 3.0
  • Course Prerequisites: ACCT 284 
  • Course Meeting Time:
    • Section 9 - TuTh, 12:40-1:55 pm
    • Section 8 - TuTh, 2:10-3:25 pm
  • Course Format: Face-to-Face delivery

Instructor Information

Instructor: Kathryn Holmstrom, Ph.D., CPA


Phone (cell): 414-339-7671 (call or text)

Office location: Gerdin 3133

Student hours: Tuesday 9:30-11:30 (in-person) or by appointment (i-person or via Zoom link)

You can contact your instructor in the following ways:

Course Objectives (COs)

Upon completing this course, students will be able to do the following:

CO 1: Identify the purpose of managerial accounting.

CO 2: Apply key cost concepts.

CO 3: Predict performance using cost behaviors.

CO 4: Justify managerial decisions based upon managerial accounting data.

CO 5: Demonstrate practice in Microsoft Excel

Course Materials

Required materials (automatically billed through U-Bill account and available via the Immediate Access program)

  • Managerial Accounting for Managers, 6th edition by Noreen, Brewer and Garrison
  • McGraw Hill Connect, all homework assignments are completed through Connect

Optional materials

  • Copy of class lecture materials and problems (printed PowerPoint slides) from CopyWorks or in Canvas to print on your own.

Learning Activities

To successfully complete this course, you will do the following for each Chapter (module):

  • Before class - read or preview/skim the textbook and complete brief Preview assignment (helps prepare for and engage with material)
  • During class - actively participate in the lecture and participate in Top Hat polling questions. In-person lectures include both conceptual material and we will work through practice problems together.
  • During class - each Chapter has a group activity, you are expected to work in your group collaboratively to solve managerial accounting problems and cases.
  • After class - each Chapter has a homework assignment in Connect. Homework is considered an individual assessment, similar to the lecture practice problems or group activities.

Assessment & Grading

Your course grade is based on the following assessments

Exams (held in ISU Online Testing Centers)

  • You are responsible for scheduling your exam appointment.
  • Format: Multiple choice & match, scratch paper provided, bring a calculator (any except graphing).
  • Grading: Automatic via Canvas exam (extra points built in). You will receive your grade upon completion but must make an appointment with Professor Holmstrom to go over questions.
  • No make-up exams except in rare emergency situations. Notification must be made as soon as possible. Replacing your missed exam with the Final exam grade will also be considered. Strictly NO MAKE-UPS ON THE FINAL.

Chapter Previews (due in Canvas before class)

  • Purpose: Prepare for class, which improves ability to engage with and understand the material.
  • Format: Canvas assignment
  • Grading: Completion-based.
  • No make-ups/late assignments accepted.

TopHat Participation (earned during class)

  • Purpose: Encourages active class participation.
  • Format: Submit in-class using TopHat app/website.
  • Grading: Points earned based on % of the TopHat questions completed the semester.
  • No make-ups/late assignments accepted

Homework (due outside of class in Connect)

  • Purpose: Practice material and check your level of understanding.
  • Format: Connect, combination of conceptual and quantitative problems.
  • Grading: Unlimited attempts (BEST, not last, is recorded); use “Check My Work" before submitting.
  • No make-ups/late assignments accepted.

Team Exercises (completed during class)

  • Purpose: More practice, see problems in different formats, work with others.
  • Format: Complete with a group of 2-4 in class, exercise will be handed out in class.
  • Grading: Check figures provided in class, so you must show work to receive credit.
  • No make-ups/late assignments accepted; may complete on your own with an excused absence. Notification must be made on or before the date of the Team Exercise.

Excel Project (Multiple parts due throughout course)

  • Purpose: Improve ability to use Excel and apply important topics from the class.
  • Format: Strictly individual work – additional details will be made available throughout the semester.
  • Grading: Accuracy and usage of Excel formulas (not keyed in numbers).
  • No make-ups/late assignments accepted.

Course guest speak panel: A panel of speakers will discuss their professional experience and the importance of management accounting. The speakers will present the week of November 13. The details of this assignment will be discussed closer to the panel presentation date(s).

Grade Distribution

You can accumulate points by participating in the following way:

Table 1. Grade Distribution
Participation area Total Points
Chapter Previews (Canvas)
TopHat (polling)
Team Activities (in-class)
Homework (Connect) Max 250 points
Course Project (4 parts) Max 100 points
Course guest speaker panel 50 points
Exam 1 100 points
Exam 2 100 points
Exam 3 100 points
Final Exam 100 points
Total Points Possible 800 points

Grading Scheme

The following grading standards will be used in this class:

Table 2. Grading Scheme
Grade Range
A 93% to 100%
A- 90% to < 93%
B+ 87% to < 90%
B 83% to < 87%
B- 80% to < 83%
C+ 77% to < 80%
C 73% to < 77%
C- 70% to < 73%
D+ 67% to < 70%
D 63% to < 67%
D- 60% to < 63%
F 0% to < 60%

Course Policies

Missed and late coursework

It is important to keep up with the pace of this course. Therefore no missed coursework will be accepted. If you miss the deadline for any assignment, you will receive zero points.

Exam makeups are not allowed, as the ISU test center has limited capacity. If you have a documented, excused absence for the entire exam testing window, you will be allowed to substitute the Final Exam score you earn for the missed midterm exam.

Ensure to carefully track submission deadlines for assignments in this class.


Students are expected to prepare for an attend class. TopHat (polling) questions will be included in the course lecture, with points assigned for participation. 

Incomplete grades

An Incomplete "I" is assigned if a student is unable to complete the course as a result of a documented hardship AND has earned 75% of the course grade as of the date of the hardship. An Incomplete "I" is NOT assigned if a student has failed to complete assignments during the course and requests an extension to complete the work. Please refer to the ISU grading policy for additional information on Incomplete grades.


Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner (refer to communication guidelines), prepare for and attend class, complete assignments by the due dates, manage their schedule for this and other classes and communicate schedule or course concerns directly with the Professor.

Come and see me if you are having problems! Don’t wait until the end of the course when there is little that I can do to help. That is what I am here for, and I enjoy helping!

Electronics Policy

I have a no cell phone policy to avoid distractions for yourself and your fellow students. You may use laptops, tablets, etc. to take notes; I just ask that you not work on other material during lecture (e.g., starting homework or problems during lecture or working on other courses).

Course Material and Notes

Students may take notes for their personal use. You are not authorized to record lectures without my permission unless you are considered by the university to be a qualified student requiring accommodation. Students may not copy or share lecture materials, course problems, Excel project, etc. outside of class, including posting on internet sites or selling to commercial entities. Students are prohibited from selling their personal notes to anyone else or being paid for taking notes by any person or commercial firm without the instructor’s express written permission.

Tips for Success (how to achieve an A)

The general rule of thumb for college-level course is to spend 9 hours per week for a 3-credit class (this is the ideal—I realize everyone has different demands on their time), which includes:

  1. Before class (20-60 mins): Read or briefly preview/skim­ the materials (textbook, notes, homework)
  2. During class (2.5 hours): Attend class, take notes, answer participation questions, team exercises.
  3. Outside of class (~5-6 hours): Review notes to fill in gaps, complete homework, re-work practice problems; attend office hours, supplemental instruction, accounting help lab, and tutoring as needed.

To get an A in this course, you need to achieve a much higher level of learning than memorization. Per Bloom’s Taxonomy (see graphic below):

  • Remember: Memorize definitions, formulas, etc.
  • Understand: Explain concepts to someone else
  • Apply: Complete problems when presented in different formats
  • Analyze: Link/build upon concepts among chapters
  • Evaluate: Use information to make a management decision


Other tips/resources for success:

  • Resources: Accounting Help Lab, Academic Success Center (Supplemental Instructionacademic coachingworkshops, and self-help resources on study skills, time management, and note taking.
  • Attempt problems and homework first WITHOUT looking at the book examples, solutions, or hints.
  • Aim to leave each chapter with a solid ability to understand/apply/analyze concepts before we move on. Do not wait until “cramming” for the exam to put in time outside of class/homework.
  • To make the most of office hours, tutors, and other resources, come prepared with questions.
  • Slides on the metacognitive Study Cycle are posted in Canvas. Come see me at any point in the semester if you’d like to discuss your study habits in this course.


Required ISU Syllabus Statement

Free Expression

Iowa State University supports and upholds the First Amendment protection of freedom of speech and the principle of academic freedom in order to foster a learning environment where open inquiry and the vigorous debate of a diversity of ideas are encouraged. Students will not be penalized for the content or viewpoints of their speech as long as student expression in a class context is germane to the subject matter of the class and conveyed in an appropriate manner.

Recommended ISU Syllabus Statements

Academic Dishonesty

The class will follow Iowa State University’s policy on academic misconduct (5.1 in the Student Code of Conduct). Students are responsible for adhering to university policy and the expectations in the course syllabus and on coursework and exams, and for following directions given by faculty, instructors, and Testing Center regulations related to coursework, assessments, and exams. Anyone suspected of academic misconduct will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct in the Dean of Students Office. Information about academic integrity and the value of completing academic work honestly can be found in the Iowa State University Academic Integrity Tutorial.

Accessibility Statement

Iowa State University is committed to advancing equity, access, and inclusion for students with disabilities. Promoting these values entails providing reasonable accommodations where barriers exist to students’ full participation in higher education. Students in need of accommodations or who experience accessibility-related barriers to learning should work with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) to identify resources and support available to them. Staff at SAS collaborate with students and campus partners to coordinate accommodations and to further the academic excellence of students with disabilities. Information about SAS is available online at, by email at, or by phone at 515-294-7220.

Discrimination and Harassment

Iowa State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. Veteran. Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies may be directed to Office of Equal Opportunity, 3410 Beardshear Hall, 515 Morrill Road, Ames, Iowa 50011, Tel. 515-294-7612,  Hotline 515-294-1222, email

Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources

Iowa State University is committed to proactively facilitating all students’ well-being. Resources available on the ISU Student Health and Wellness website.  (  

Prep Week

This class follows the Iowa State University Prep Week policy as noted in section 10.6.4 of the Faculty Handbook.

Religious Accommodation

Iowa State University welcomes diversity of religious beliefs and practices, recognizing the contributions differing experiences and viewpoints can bring to the community. There may be times when an academic requirement conflicts with religious observances and practices. If that happens, students may request the reasonable accommodation for religious practices. In all cases, you must put your request in writing. The instructor will review the situation in an effort to provide a reasonable accommodation when possible to do so without fundamentally altering a course. For students, you should first discuss the conflict and your requested accommodation with your professor at the earliest possible time. You or your instructor may also seek assistance from the Dean of Students Office at 515-294-1020 or the Office of Equal Opportunity at 515-294-7612.

Contact Information For Academic Issues

If you are experiencing, or have experienced, a problem with any of the above statements, email

(Important note to faculty: The email address for contact information is monitored and answered through the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost)

Disclaimer: The information in this syllabus is subject to change in extenuating circumstances. Changes to the course syllabus will be provided in writing and announced via course-wide announcements.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due