Course Syllabus
Geospatial Technologies Syllabus
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Course Information
EnSci/Agron | Spring 2025
Section 1 | Tuesdays and Thursdays 11 am - 12:15 pm | Room 1026 Agronomy Hall
Section 2 | Online, but welcome to join the meeting time for section 1 for support
Department: EnSci/Agron
- Department of Agronomy
2104 Agronomy Hall, 515-294-1360 - Environmental Programs
103 Bessey Hall, 515-294-3651
Credit Hours: 3
Course Prerequisites: None. However, basic computer skills are recommended.
- The essentials of the course are available online and attendance is not graded. Every student has their preferences for how they want to do their homework and receive support. This course has many options for interacting with the instructors and students are encouraged to use methods that work best for them. Section 2 operates like an online course, but if some in-person support is desired, students are welcome to join the section 1 meeting time when they want.
Course Format
- Section 1: As a 'flipped' classroom course, the usual lecture content is online and the homework is brought into the classroom. This section meets at 11 am - 12:15 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays in 1026 Agron. During that time, we will have an open discussion in support of understanding applications of the technology, answering questions about the course material, and assistance on the weekly lab assignment.
- Section 2: As an 'arranged' course, the class functions like an online course. It uses the same online resources as section 1. If students in this section run into an issue where they need some in-person help, they can join the section 1 meeting time when needed (TR 11am - 12:15pm, 1026 Agron)
- This course focuses on active learning with the labs. Active learning is supported by reading and presentations that provide useful background and defining technical terms. Students are welcome to utilize a team-based learning approach to working on the labs, but each individual must submit their own answers.
- Individualized consultation is an important part of this course due to the nature of working with technical software. There are a few different ways to receive this support. In addition to the in-person office hours, the MS Teams office hours work really well because it is easy for the student to share their screen and the instructor can walk them through the process of solving the problem.
We are here to support you and answer your questions as you need and as best fits your schedule. Options for communication include the discussion board on Canvas, stopping by during office hours, scheduling an online “office hours” meeting via Webex, or email. I will sometimes use a team to provide support when I am unable to respond to emails quickly. Please email questions about labs and other course content to
Course Learning Objectives (CLOs)
Upon completing this course, students will be able to do the following:
CLO 1: Understand the fundamentals of working with spatial data.
CLO 2: Be familiar with various spatial data types and methods of collecting, storing, displaying, and analyzing spatial information.
CLO 3: Demonstrate how geospatial tools can be applied to problem-solving scenarios in a variety of natural science disciplines.
CLO 4: Be aware of the advantages of viewing the world with a geographic perspective and be able to describe how spatial thinking can contribute to problem-solving.
Course Materials
Required Textbook
Introduction to Geospatial Technologies, 6th Edition by Bradley A. Shellito, 2023. W.H. Freeman and Company. NY. (ISBN: 9781319436599)
Course Web Page: The ISU Canvas website is used for submitting assignments and other course management. This website also includes a copy of this syllabus, topic presentations, and additional assignment information.
Time Commitment
- Your timing: log into the course and work through course content when it is convenient for you before the due dates. The flexibility of this course is a convenience but the lack of structure can sometimes have a negative effect. I recommend setting a routine that works well for you and sticking with it.
- Personal accountability: practice time management and figure out how you learn best. If you need help figuring out these things, try connecting with your peers, ask a classmate to become your study buddy, or contact the instructor.
- Following the course's schedule: the entry point to this course contains the listing of modules in order. The course is designed to be one module per week. However, you can see all of the due dates laid out in the Course Summary within the Course Syllabus page. Become familiar withLinks to an external site.the way the To Do list works in Canvas to help you stay organized.
Learning Activities & Assessments
To successfully complete this course, students will do the following:
- Read assigned chapters.
- Watch recorded lectures.
- Watch additional media when applicable.
- Participate in discussion topics.
- Complete labs, quizzes, and exams.
Each module, consisting of a lab and quiz, is worth 5% of the course grade. Please check the rubric to view the grading criteria. Due dates are listed on each assessment. See the listing of assignments in the "Course Summary" within the Course Syllabus.
Quizzes (13):
There will be thirteen online quizzes covering material from the lectures and textbook reading. Each quiz is worth 3 points and consists of three questions, corresponding to the style of questions that will be seen on the exams.
Lab Assignments (13):
Students are required to complete and submit 13 lab assignments. These are intended to provide hands-on experience with the concepts described in the readings and presentations. Some of the labs require specialized, licensed software, which is provided on a Remote Desktop server. Most of the labs are from the textbook. In those cases, the page numbers for the instructions are provided in Canvas. The textbook has questions spread out through the process of completing the labs. The same questions are in the Canvas assessment for the lab and is where students can submit their answers. The questions on Canvas offer more support because they are frequently converted to multiple-choice questions and contain hints from the instructor. Towards the end of the course, there will be a few labs that have been custom-created for this course. In those cases, the instructions and questions are all in Canvas.
Exams (2):
In this course, you are required to complete two online examinations. For the mid-term examination, students will have 70 minutes to answer a combination of forty multiple-choice, multiple-answer, and matching questions as well as two essay questions. For the final examination, students will have 90 minutes to answer a combination of fifty multiple-choice, multiple-answer, and matching questions as well as three essay questions. Exams will cover content from presentations, the textbook, and labs. Exams will be delivered within the Canvas system and made available for multiple days to allow students to pick the time that works best for them.
Missing an Exam: Only illness, death in the family, or similar extenuating circumstances as judged by the instructor are acceptable as excuses for missing an exam without prior agreement. The instructor reserves the right to require verification (e.g., a doctor’s note) in such an instance. Contacting the instructor before an exam regarding an issue will be treated more favorably than after the exam. Without a prior agreement or an acceptable excuse, the exam will be recorded as a zero.
Grade Distribution
Your grade in this course includes the following participation areas:
Course Components | Percentage |
Labs and Quizzes | 70% |
Mid-term Exam | 15% |
Final Exam | 15% |
Total |
100% |
Grading Scheme
The following grading scheme will be used to assign a letter grade:
Grade | Range |
A | 94% to 100% |
A- | 90% to < 94% |
B+ | 87% to < 90% |
B | 84% to < 87% |
B- | 80% to < 84% |
C+ | 77% to < 80% |
C | 74% to < 77% |
C- | 70% to < 74% |
D+ | 67% to < 70% |
D | 64% to < 67% |
D- | 61% to < 64% |
F | 0% to < 61% |
Course Policies
All graded assessments will be returned with feedback within 7 days of the due date. Personalized feedback will be provided for each assignment. In addition, responses to common questions and unclear content will be posted after each module. Questions posted in the 'Discussions' section will be responded to within 24 hours.
Missed and Late Coursework
It is important to keep up with the pace of this course. Falling behind makes learning more difficult and inevitably harms the final course grade. As an incentive to keep up, labs will be deducted 10% for every 24 hours they are submitted after the due date, with a maximum deduction of 50%.
Exams will be penalized one letter grade for each day they are submitted late (including weekends). Make sure to keep careful track of submission deadlines for all of your work in this class.
Attendance is not required. By paying your tuition and enrolling in this course, you have gained access to all of the resources in this course. The most valuable of which is interaction with the instructors, which we have made as easy and flexible as possible (e.g., in-class time, discussion board, virtual meetings). The caveat is that this flexibility relies on you to reach and utilize these resources.
Grade Appeal Process
If you become concerned about your instructor's class management, please communicate your concerns with your instructor. Concerns sometimes relate to grading methods, grading turnaround time, and course policies, as examples. If you feel uncomfortable speaking with your instructor, contact one of the supporting student services offices (Department of Agronomy = 294-4161; Environmental Programs = 294-3651). Before you decide to appeal, check out ISU's academic appeal process.
Incomplete Grades
Incomplete grades for the course should be used as a last resort but are available if needed. In such a case, a written agreement will need to be created, documenting the plan for completing the missing portions of the course.
My philosophy for the class environment is driven by three points:
- You've made an investment by choosing to take this course. It is incumbent on me to provide efficient and effective learning to maximize the value of your investment.
- College students are adults with self-responsibility and the ability to choose how they want to use the resources available to them.
- In a community environment, no one has the right to interfere with a registered student's access to the resources in this course. For example, if a student wishes to watch content not related to class during class time, that is their decision. However, if that activity interferes in any way with the learning environment of another student, that activity will not be allowed.
[List applicable course policies. See examples in CELT's Syllabus Checklist with Required, Recommended, and Additional Statements or consult syllabus guidance in the Course Syllabus section of the How to Customize Your Canvas Course resource.]
Course Calendar
- This course contains considerable flexibility, but deadlines are important. Students are expected to take responsibility for using the flexibility to ensure assignments and exams are completed on time. This includes completing such activities early when needed to avoid conflict with known events in personal schedules.
- The final exam will be open for multiple days during finals week. Students are allotted 90 minutes to complete the exam but may choose any time within that multiple-day window to start the exam.
The "Course Summary" with all due dates appears in the bottom half of the Course Syllabus page.
Academic Dishonesty
Your professional success will largely be based on your ability to do good work. Plagiarism, cheating on an exam, or other attempts to falsely represent your abilities are detrimental to your development and will not be tolerated in this course. ISU has a clear policy on these matters:
Disclaimer: In extenuating circumstances, the schedule, policies, or procedures are subject to change. All efforts will be made not to alter assignment due dates or scheduled exams. Any modifications will be communicated in writing, verbally in class, and/or published in the Canvas course.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |