Course Syllabus

Contact the CCL Director, Shelby Doyle at, with any questions regarding the CCL Training or access.

Scheduling Questions can be directed to the CCL's URAs

The course is composed of modules for each machine that is available to the students in the lab. Computation and Construction Lab machines are ONLY for the course(s) you are taking in conjunction with the CCL and may not be used for any other courses or personal projects. Doing so will be considered a violation of the Iowa State University Code of Student Conduct and will result in appropriate disciplinary action, which may include a failing grade in your CCL course. 

  1. To be able to use the Computation and Construction Lab, you must first be registered in a CCL course
  2. You then must complete the modules assigned by your instructor and/or the CCL URAs.
  3. A complete list of available is below in the course summary.
  4. To take each quiz click on the "Modules" link at left then navigate to the assigned Module.
  5. Each module is composed of a workflow, any videos or support provided by the company who makes the machine and a quiz.  
  6. The videos are not required but recommended. The support is in case you encounter any issues while using these machines.
  7.  In order to pass each module, you must take the quiz until you get 100%.
  8. The pre-requisite for ALL Modules is listed at the top of the page as Required Environmental Health + Safety Training Certification. This is an ISU requirement and must be completed prior to any other quizzes.
  9. After passing the assigned quizzes please see your CyBox labeled CCL Scheduling to schedule time to use the CNCs, hand extruder, or potterbot. The rest of the machines are 24/7. The CCL URAs are in charge of these signups.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due