This exam consists of 40 questions. You will have 60 minutes to complete the exam.
After going through the content, exploring the learning materials, completing the learning activities, self-tests, and quick checks of lessons 7, 8, 9, and 10, you should be ready to answer the questions on this exam. Only ONE attempt is allowed.
Do not open the Exam until you are ready to take it.
This exam covers course and lesson-level objectives for Unit III, Melody in Music:
Unit III Learning Objectives
Course Level Objectives
Lesson Level Objectives
Lesson 7: Melody
Lesson 8: Instrumental Melody
Lesson 9: Vocal Melody
Lesson 10: Music and Drama
CLO3 Analyze the basic rhythm elements in music and how culture and time period influence them.
CLO4 Describe different melody types and elements of a melody.
LO7.1 Define different types of melody
LO7.2 Identify elements of a melody
LO7.3 Identify the elements of melody in R. Carlos Nakai's Shaman's Call and James DeMars' Two World Concerto
LO8.1 Identify the music and instrument classification in India
LO8.2 Identify the melodic and rhythmic structures of Raga
LO8.4 Identify the melodic form in Bhairavi, a morning Raga
LO9.1 Identify different styles of a chant melody: syllabic, neumatic, and melismatic
LO9.2 Identify Hildegard of Bingen's creative works
LO9.3 Identify the melodic styles in O ignis Spiritus paracliti
LO10.1 Identify the traditions and musical instruments in Japanese theater: Noh, Kabuki, and Bunraku
LO10.2 Identify various artistic elements and musical instruments in Peking opera
LO10.3 Identify the history of Western European opera
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