Course Syllabus

AGEDS 115X: Issues in Agricultural Law & Policy

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  • Current Semester and Year: Spring 2023
  • Credit Hours: 1
  • Course Meeting Time: Tuesdays 2:10 pm - 4:00 pm (Curtiss 229)
  • Course Format: In-person

Course Description

This course offers a broad introduction to practical, political, and legal issues impacting agriculture. The course specifically addresses a wide variety legal and policy issues that students will likely face in agriculture-related careers. The course begins with a general review of the policy process. As we examine the network of laws that shape, players that influence, and processes that govern our agricultural system, students will engage in thoughtful critiques and propose new ways of addressing current issues.

Substantive areas of agricultural law addressed in this course will include:

  • Agricultural Technology
  • Animal Agriculture
  • Clean Water Act
  • Eminent Domain
  • Environmental Law
  • Farm Bill
  • Farm Nuisance
  • Land Use
  • Zoning

Instructor Information

Instructor: Kitt Tovar Jensen


Phone: 515-357-6680

Office location: 211C Curtiss

Student hours: Generally Wednesday morning (when not speaking). Stop by or schedule an appointment.

Course Objectives (COs)

After completing AgEds 115X, students should be able to:

CO 1: Critically examine the processes, contexts, practical implications, and politics of U.S. agricultural policy;

CO 2: Engage in a thoughtful critique of issues related to our legal system;

CO 3: Gain a better understanding of current issues impacting agriculture.

Course Materials

Required materials

There is no required textbook for this course. All required course readings, assignments, and rubrics will be made available through Canvas. All students will be expected to check Canvas and read the assigned materials in advance of each class session.

Format and Procedures

Class sessions will be as interactive as possible. To facilitate learning, students must come to class prepared and ready to participate in active class discussions. Students should attend and participate in all class sessions. If you must miss class for an excused reason (illness, family emergency, work, or student club commitment), send me an email letting me know you will be gone.


The final class grade will be calculated as follows:


Table 1. Grade Distribution
Participation area Weight
Class Attendance 5%
Class Participation 10%
Assignments, Discussion Posts, Quizzes 45%
Final Policy Paper & Presentation 40%

Grading Scheme

Letter grades A, B, C, and D will generally be assigned to students with percentages in the ranges 90-100, 80- 89, 70-79 and 60-69, respectively. Below 60 is a failing grade. I may lower the cutoff points, depending upon overall class performance. Plus/minus grades may be assigned to those students near cut-off points.

Table 2. Grading Scheme
Grade Range
A 93% to 100%
A- 90% to < 93%
B+ 87% to < 90%
B 83% to < 87%
B- 80% to < 83%
C+ 77% to < 80%
C 73% to < 77%
C- 70% to < 73%
D+ 67% to < 70%
D 63% to < 67%
D- 60% to < 63%
F 0% to < 60%

Course Policies

Missed and late coursework

Late work will be accepted for select assignments, but penalized 10% per day by Canvas software. However, the final policy paper and presentation may not be handed in late at all.


To facilitate learning, students must come to class prepared and ready to participate in active class discussions. Students should attend and participate in all class sessions. If you must miss class for an excused reason (illness, family emergency, work, or student club commitment), send me an email letting me know you will be gone. Missing multiple classes without an excused reason will result in a lower grade. 


It is very important that students attend all classes and study assigned materials in a timely fashion. Students will be graded on three types of activities throughout the semester. These include:

  1. Class Attendance. Students are expected to attend class and are asked to notify the professor before class if they are unable to attend.
  2. Class Participation: Participation will be graded based on your active participation in class activities.
  3. Online Discussion Board Posts: Students will be responsible to respond to a weekly discussion post. It will be available by Tuesday afternoon and must be completed by 11:59 pm on Sunday. These activities are designed to practically reinforce concepts learned in class.
  4. Online Quizzes: Students will be responsible to complete to a weekly quiz. It will be available by Tuesday afternoon and must be completed by 11:59 pm on Sunday.
  5. Final Policy Brief Paper: The Final Policy Brief Paper instructions, grading rubric, and other information will be made available online to students. The paper will be 5-7 pages, double spaced. The Final Policy Brief Paper is due on Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. to
  6. Final Policy Presentation. In lieu of a final exam, students will present for 8-10 minutes on a current policy (bill at the federal, state or local level) that is being proposed. Instructions and a rubric will be made available online.

Required ISU Syllabus Statement

Free Expression

Iowa State University supports and upholds the First Amendment protection of freedom of speech and the principle of academic freedom in order to foster a learning environment where open inquiry and the vigorous debate of a diversity of ideas are encouraged. Students will not be penalized for the content or viewpoints of their speech as long as student expression in a class context is germane to the subject matter of the class and conveyed in an appropriate manner.


Academic Dishonesty

The class will follow Iowa State University’s policy on academic misconduct (5.1 in the Student Code of Conduct). Students are responsible for adhering to university policy and the expectations in the course syllabus and on coursework and exams, and for following directions given by faculty, instructors, and Testing Center regulations related to coursework, assessments, and exams. Anyone suspected of academic misconduct will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct in the Dean of Students Office. Information about academic integrity and the value of completing academic work honestly can be found in the Iowa State University Academic Integrity Tutorial.

Accessibility Statement

Iowa State University is committed to advancing equity, access, and inclusion for students with disabilities. Promoting these values entails providing reasonable accommodations where barriers exist to students’ full participation in higher education. Students in need of accommodations or who experience accessibility-related barriers to learning should work with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) to identify resources and support available to them. Staff at SAS collaborate with students and campus partners to coordinate accommodations and to further the academic excellence of students with disabilities. Information about SAS is available online at, by email at, or by phone at 515-294-7220.

Discrimination and Harassment

Iowa State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. Veteran. Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies may be directed to Office of Equal Opportunity, 3410 Beardshear Hall, 515 Morrill Road, Ames, Iowa 50011, Tel. 515-294-7612,  Hotline 515-294-1222, email

Prep Week

This class follows the Iowa State University Prep Week policy as noted in section 10.6.4 of the Faculty Handbook.

Religious Accommodation

Iowa State University welcomes diversity of religious beliefs and practices, recognizing the contributions differing experiences and viewpoints can bring to the community. There may be times when an academic requirement conflicts with religious observances and practices. If that happens, students may request the reasonable accommodation for religious practices. In all cases, you must put your request in writing. The instructor will review the situation in an effort to provide a reasonable accommodation when possible to do so without fundamentally altering a course. For students, you should first discuss the conflict and your requested accommodation with your professor at the earliest possible time. You or your instructor may also seek assistance from the Dean of Students Office at 515-294-1020 or the Office of Equal Opportunity at 515-294-7612.

Contact Information For Academic Issues

If you are experiencing, or have experienced, a problem with any of the above statements, email

(Important note to faculty: The email address for contact information is monitored and answered through the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost)

Disclaimer: The information in this syllabus is subject to change in extenuating circumstances. Changes to the course syllabus will be provided in writing and announced via course-wide announcements.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due